The Leader Of The Future

The Leader Of The Future 2: Visions, Strategies And Practices For The New Era
edited by Frances Hesselbein and Marshal Goldsmith

Discover what Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, Peter Senge, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, and other business-world luminaries have to say about the direction of leadership for the future.

In twenty-seven inspiring and insightful essays, this book celebrates the wisdom of some of the most recognized thought leaders of our day who share their unique vision of leadership for the future.

Quotes About:

“Hesselbein and Marshall Goldsmith, one of the USA’s top executive coaches, edited the collection The Leader of the Future 2. Its 27 eloquent essays provide a kind of hopeful, idealistic best-case scenario for future leaders of non-profits and businesses. This is not a cookie-cutter, how-to approach. The job of the essayists is to provide food for thought and goals. The high quality of writing here should inspire anyone who has aspirations for leadership.”
— Bruce Rosenstein, USA Today

“An exciting exposition of numerous ideas on leadership that can nourish the reader spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally. The book is richer for its contributions from diverse leadership thinkers–academics, consultants, and practitioners…. It can offer a challenge to the reader wishing to become more like the leaders whom these numerous authors profile.”
– Academy of Management Executive

“The Leader of the Future is a thought-provoking collection of essays that gets readers up to speed on the most important trends facing today’s leaders. It’s a one-stop shopping guide that shows how leaders can be successful.”
– Training & Development

Link to Purchase (on Amazon)

book, overview, leader, leadership, research, behavior, framework, essay